Friday, July 8, 2011

The "Race for the Eye"

If you have read the "Inspirational Story" you have the background for what inspired this 1k event. The three parties involved in throwing the water balloons generously agreed to pay for the entirety of the medical costs, and this event is to help reimburse those out-of-pocket costs for medical treatment.
The Race for the Eye 1 kilometer foot race is a unique event with three separate goals:

- To raise over $195 to pay for medical costs
- To help the parties who were affected move past this
- To promote water balloon safety and awareness

Spectators may purchase water balloons to throw at participants for 25¢ each near the finish line.
Any additional funds beyond the medical costs will be spent on the after party, open to all race spectators, volunteers and participants.
Check the links on the right (under "Pages") to see how you can help, and how you can participate and have fun with this!

The race will be held rain or shine on Saturday July 16, at noon in Burnet Park by the arts and crafts building and will be 1 kilometer long (A little over half a mile).

Now that we know what kind of damage water balloons can do, refer to the guidelines below to learn how to enjoy them responsibly:

- Always know your target and beyond.  Remember, hand guided balloons are notoriously inaccurate, and may land nearly anywhere.

-Aim low. Your chances of soaking your target are often better with a nearby explosion, rather than a direct hit, and lower shots reduce the chance of a cornea damaging facial.

-Make sure your target has a sense of humor.  Even if everything goes as planned, some people can not handle the humiliation of getting wet.

-Be weary of those carrying phones or other electronics.  While the gadgets usually can withstand some moisture, their owners don't appreciate it.

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